I wanted to build a
Verstärkter Feldmässiger Ausbau or a fortefied gun position using a parapet of wood, timber, light concrete or bricks erected around a gun's position. I could have used any gun from the 20mm to the 128mm but I wanted to use the Airmodel 105mm. I used the "German Soldiers at Rest" figure set from MiniArt. They are out of the box but I should have changed them to use resin heads, and will next time. The base is blue insulating foam, celluclay, light Hydrocal, water and white glue. The little detail pieces are from Verlinden, Historex and other manufacturers I have forgotten about long ago. The rounds are New Connections that I found at R & J Enterprises. The shell boxes are scratch built as are the wooden revetments, ammo bunker and planking. I had fun building this and I hope you enjoy it.