This was a Hobby Boss kit, pretty much out of the box except for the added stowage. What I didn't like about the kit parts was that the entire detailed window frame was clear. I had to install with the model and paint.

A few months ago, Kevin gave another demo regarding the new masking putty available in many forms and consistencies. I have the densest version which is less tacky and doesn't actually droop when stretched. This allowed me to make very thin lines for a worm pattern. The base coat was of the original olive drab intended for the vehicle. It was too boring for me.
After completing the detail painting and weathering, I want back to carefully chrome in the window slits. Once that was dry, I painted in the tinted crystal clear.

Finally I added the groundwork and dusted up the lower chassis and tires with mixed pigments to match.
Vince B. Dec-13-15