Tuesday, September 21, 2021

T-34/D30 122mm Syrian Self-Propelled howitzer

 This is RFM (Ryefield Models) #5030, in 1/35th scale.

It is painted with MIG paints; Sand Yellow #0030 is the primary color, then Zashchitniy Zeleno (Russian green) and Shadow Rust added as the camo.

This is the first time I pre-painted the wheels and tires before assembly.  Turned out quite nicely.

This kit is nor for the faint-of-heart.  It was a booger to build.  I had many issues, and am not sure if it is the kit, certainly some of it is the kit, or me, probably a little bit too.  My first issue came in Step 4, assembling the length-link tracks.  Following the instructions, combining parts C-1 and C-3, the length was too long.  I had to alter on the C-1 links by cutting it in half.

In this picture, you can see the shortened track, and the putty necessary to hid the fit issue.

In Step A-9, you are supposed to use PE to make the fuel tank straps mounted on the rear.  I could not get them to correctly bend and mount on the rear panel so I rummaged thru my spare parts and found acceptable parts to use as the tank mounts.  Once I got the fuel tanks mounted to the rear plate, I discovered that the hull was warped where this assemble would join the hull.  Had to do some pushing and shoving to get it super glued in place.

The sub-assembly in Step B-7 has lots of fiddle-bit parts.  Mine kept breaking off the gun, I had to super glue it in place several times.  Looking back the the instructions, I am certain this aiming mechanism is incorrectly glued in place.

Now for the interior.  Wait--there is NO interior!!  As you can see from the first picture, I made a rudimentary fire wall, front axle and driver and gunner seats.

You can barely see the seats with the hull on!

Then I painted and washed the interior, very heavily.  I added Mini-Art ammo cases and shells, 2 AK-47s, various packs and a fire extinguisher.

And finally with the hull on, I added Mini Art green wine bottles to add some color to the interior.

And the finished product!  Painted and heavily weathered track with Mig powders.

I don't think I will be buying another RFM kit soon!!I really like the subject, but it was very difficult to build!

Monday, September 6, 2021

Meng Namer, IDF Heavy APC

     This is the first of a multi part series regarding the kit build.  It includes tips, tricks and warnings discovered while building the kit. 

 Session 1     https://youtu.be/5x_MUW5hiig

 Session 2     https://youtu.be/nIm0VSfSQu4

 Session 3    https://youtu.be/Mb8YH8Uc1Yw

Session 4     https://youtu.be/GN5E9wMs8xA