AFV Club kit, NANCY. This was an experiment in Gun Trucks. In doing the research on these VietNam inovations, I found that many of them were named and some are still existing and restored. The old combat photos I found were mostly worn, but some of the renovated show trucks had good pictures posted.
I found the kit to be challenging as I knew little about the workings of the original 5 ton trucks on which these were based. It has inspired me to design my own version of a converted cargo truck of that era or possibly of those more recently used in Iraq.

Vince Barrale Feb 5-2012
Hi, All
I fixed Nancy's Gun (Quard Fifty) after servicing it, they greesed the rail that carried power from the triggers to the guns (left bank-right bank)Never seen one before but got it Shooting pretty quick. I had heard a lot of guys where sabotaging there trucks when they found out Nancy was not Rolling that day.
I Got to Shoot it because they would not take it back unless they knew it worked!
4 fifty Cal centered at a
1000yds A Bad Mother!!!
PS/ later found out that it was against the Geneva Convention to use anti aircraft wepons against ground troops. But the guys that wrote that where never in the "Nam"
You-All Take Good Care.
F&E Jack
I was the gunner on Nancy when it got transferred to the 88th trans in ankhe from the 444th in quinon. They came down later and took it completely away, supposedly we were unauthorized to have i. The 444th also had the bounty hunter. Don Stout
The AFV Nancy kit would have been a lot better if they would have done a little more research. They got the quad 50 base completely wrong. It should have had the quad trailer mounted to the bed surrounded by a built up wooden floor. The graphics for the turret shield is wrong and also the bumper number. Nancy never had 12 for the bumper number.
James Lyles; Four time Vietnam Veteran and gun truck historian,
Author, The Hard Ride series of books on gun trucks in Vietnam.
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