Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf. K

Here are a couple of photos of an oldie, but a goodie.  Yes, it's another shelf-queen from Dragon that's been sitting around collecting dust for quite some time now. It was built at least six years ago and it's the original DML K kit built pretty much out of the box with a few Evergreen styrene refinements here and there, but the detail is nowhere near Dragon's newer Panzer III kits.  It has some Magic Sculp tarps added to the front and a boot for the rear antenna.  It will eventually (maybe someday) be finished in a winter scheme.  There's still some work to do to mount the storage boxes on the rear deck before any painting can begin. 

1 comment:

Jon Baker said...

Love the beginning of the sheet camo. Can't wait to see what comes next. Is that Magic Sculp"t"?