Sunday, June 7, 2020

Meng Magach6b Gal Batash Final

 Been a bit out of pocket. So I have painted and added the figures, and finally got the best mounted to the base.
 Since the suspension actually works, I need to find a base that would show off that feature without too much trouble.
The figures are resin by Valkyrie. They are very nicely molded and come with extra heads; they have been painted with a combination of Tamiya and Vallejo Acryllics. I very much enjoyed working on this project and being able to compare the two kits with Vince.


Mike Stucker said...

Fantastic job, Werner. The paint & weathering came out great. That machine gun on the front of the turret looks like a real machine gun.

Werner said...

Thanks Mike. It really is a nice kit with only some minor issues and builds into a great subject.