Saturday, July 4, 2020

Covid - 19 Response Team

This was just for fun.... and I was experimenting with making my own decals. It was easier that I thought and this old decal paper I had been saving actually worked.  I will leave this open to interpretation by the viewer.

Of course this is the BANDAI 1/48 scale Imperial Walker AT-ST... but everyone has done on of those. So I did something different. Of course the kit was near perfect on its own. 

I found all of these COVID signs on line and just copied them for the decal sheet. 

I did spend some time detailing out the interior, of course not being able to see it all when it is together, and leaving the hatch open is dumb without the figures. 

I decided to paint it up in more of a forest pattern with the light green, light brown and gray. 
Maybe they were hunting Bats instead of Ewoks. 

And of course they needed to wear masks in case I bring it to a meeting.  Happy 4th of July. 

Vince B.  7-4-2019 

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