This was an unexpected completion. A few months back I did an in process review at the meeting. This Academy kit went together like a Tamiya. It was so well done, I didn't want to put on any stowage and decided to keep it Out of the Box.
The instructions showed several multi colored camo patterns. I liked the Tan, Brown & Green scheme. I used Model Master and Humbrol enamels for the base coats. The pattern was done freehand with an airbrush.
Though the kit includes many optional parts, like the Schurzen, I decided to follow the specific instructions.
The only add on was the wire antennae which I made removable in case certain contests don't allow that as out of the box. The weathering was done in layers with Oil Washes, wiping and dullcoating in between layers.
I finished the model with a variety of mud slop on the treads and wheels. This included the slime at the bottom of the Lacquer Cleaning bottle as well as powders.
Vince B. 5-21-19