At first I thought this vehicle was only used in Russia then found it in the streets of Italy. So you will see in the stowage a crate of wine bottles freshly corked.
As usual for me, I used Model Master Enamels to custom blend my color scheme through a Badger 150 airbrush. I applied several coats of the light tan color, then freehand airbrushed in the dark green. From there I dullcoated and proceeded to weather and stain with oil paints.
I preped the pinewood base with a coat of home supply spray paint so the wood did not absorb moisture from the sculpy / woodlands scenics mixture. I folded in tube artists acrylic dark brown paste, then folded in some dry foliage. I tighten the tank into the wet mud mixture with fine wire pulled through the base and twisted tight underneath.
Using thin strips of black electrical tape, I hung various crew items such as a sub machine gun with ammo pouch as well as canteens and dry stowage containers and bedrools.
Vince Barrale 7-10-11