Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The EMPIRE Strikes Back

No, this isn't Star Wars. This is a group of Modelcollect 'Fist of War' series kits. These BLF 100 walkers do remind me of the ATSTs in Star Wars, and Yes, being in an icy snow covered terrain MIGHT be reminiscent of the Planet Hoth, just a different Empire involved.

 The burnt out Sherman I believe is an old Revell kit from my scrap box. The 1/72 figures are from various sources including Preiser and Hasegawa. Stowage for all vehicles is from Black Dog. The bridge is a combination of HO bridge railings with some wood planking from a 1/35 flat bed rail car.
I had fun with various water, snow and Ice techniques using Woodland Scenics products.

Vince B. 10-29-19

1 comment:

Werner said...

Nice job buddy. But I didn't see any buckets on those walking Panzers!