Friday, February 5, 2021

Gun Tower

 Todays completion is of the Fictional Gun Tower. Yup lots of scrap parts on this one. The main turret was from a French AUF something or other kit by MENG,  This was a donation by Tom Moon, The tower portion was scratch built from evergreen sheets and strips, before adding lots of other leftovers.

As recommended by committee, I made the overall color scheme dark and ominous. The figures used are unusual as they are more ~ 1/40 scale and fit my needs perfectly. 

I did put in some subtle fiber optic lighting effects with the battery and switch under the turret.

Decals were exhumed from my scraps bag. I imbedded the tower base in my hodgepodge of groundwork. This time using styrofoam sheet as the base to protect the wood from warpage. 

Vince B.   2-5-2021

1 comment:

Werner said...

This one of the coolest things I have seen you construct. A very fine job indeed.