Saturday, December 3, 2022

Belgian Gendarmerie, Occupied Rheinland, 1919

 The armored car is a Belgian Minerva from Copper State Models. Excellent kit. The figures are also from Copper State. The vignette shows a Belgian Gendarmerie (Police) vehicle and its crew in the Rheinland of Germany in 1919.

The grass is static grass but did not go down as hoped for. I need to replace my useless, cheap, Amazon purchased static grass applicator with a better more expensive one. The grass did not stand up properly (if at all). Also, the color is a bit brighter than I had hoped for, but its what I had. Looks like a lawn.

There are also some small Eduard photoetch flowers in the grass, but they are barely visible in the photos.

1 comment:

Vince said...

Sorry I missed this one. Looks good. Looking forward to starting MY CSM kit today.