Monday, March 8, 2021

Henschel Typ 33 D1

 Yes, It,s a cargo Truck. Not a single gun to be seen. Why am I doing a TRUCK???

Well, I wanted to try something different. Also I don't normally do REVELL of Germany kits. Very fiddly bits like a ZVEZDA kit. Even with my screw ups, this didn't turn out too bad. I'm not going to tell you the stupid things I did, along with continually breaking off the Fiddleys.

I also featured the Value Gear resin accessories, which are probably the best part of the build. These resin bulk cargo blocks paint up and detail out really well.
I have to say that I did learn a lot about how that canvas cab cover works. The side windows fold up with the convertible top, so they are NOT part of the door frame, as I tried to make them originally. 
I did have some fun detailing out the windows which do have to be put on from the inside of the cab. I managed some wiper effects with the help of a circle scribe and masking tape. 

I might actually try another truck someday.

Vince B.  3-8-21

1 comment:

Werner said...

Another fine job Vince!