Thursday, June 18, 2020

Trumpeter BMP-2D

This the Trumpeter BMP-2D in 1/35. Back when I was getting into this hobby in the 1980's, there was a distinct lack of mid and late Cold War subjects to model. This is no longer the case, so I was excited to acquire and build this piece as it was one of my favorite vehicles.
 This kit is finely molded with plenty of details and a complete interior. I decided to only build the interiors at the Drivers position, and the turret since this would require minimal effort. This kit contains 470+ parts, and many of them are quite small.
 The Driver figure is from Verlinden and was painted with Vallejo acryllics.
The model was painted with Tamiya acryllics, and weathered with Vallejo pigments and a pin wash, with the addition of some Vallejo thick Brown mud.
The antennas are from RB models and worked out quite nicely.

Here is a quick view of the turret interior. I have yet to "weather" it, but will probably do so in the next couple of days.


George Karker said...

You really got the paint fading and camo blending working. This is something I just can't nail down. I progress it to a point of looking decent, then I go 1 step to far and I have a brown mound of plastic that gets sentenced to the Shelf of Doom.

Keep posting this good stuff.

Werner said...

Thnx George, but it's easier than you think. I'll shoot you an email with my explanation.