Sunday, March 22, 2020

Academy Magach 6B

We are well on our way to compare the Meng and Academy kits. There is a definite difference in philosophy between the manufacturers. Academy has fewer parts for each assembly and less detail where it isnt seen. Thus the lesser expense of the kit. The build sequencing of the instructions differ between manufacturers.

Part 2: Initial Build.
Our first build session was very productive.  5 solid hours brought me through the steps of the lower hull. In comparing instruction steps and details, Werner and I found several differences between MENG and Academy kits. Note the lack of detail around the Torsion housings on the hull. Look at most M-60 kits to see a much different design in this area.

Thus far, I have not had any fit issues or mis identified parts. Everything has been as the instructions indicated. Note that there are 3 types of torsion arms.  The 4 middle ones are identical on each side. The 1st and 6th of each side are a little different so dont get them mixed. All other parts were easily identified and assembled.
Next I will be working on the road wheels and drive sprockets.

Vince B.  3-22-20.

1 comment:

Mike Stucker said...

This is going to be very interesting, as I like the idea of a cheaper, non-Chinese kit of this tank.