Wednesday, March 4, 2020

T-55 BTU 55 w/dozer blade

This is the Dragon kit in 1/72nd scale, built straight out of the box. It is painted as suggested on the box art and instructions.  It is painted in the multi-color Finnish Army camo. The T-55 has 3 shades of green followed by black. In order of lightest to darkest, the greens are: Polly Scale Soviet Green, Gunze Sangyo H-303, FS-34102 and then Vallejo 086, Luft Camo Green.

This is my first attempt at airbrushing Vallejo, and I am impressed and will use them again!

The dozer blade was weathered with 2 different shades of  MIG European dirt pigments.
You can see the Polly Scale lightest green best here on the back of the turret.


Werner said...

Nice job! Looks good Don!

Mike Stucker said...

Don, that looks fantastic! Can't wait to see it in person.

I've been using Velejo paints for several years now and love them. (The colored primers can be a little tricky to thin just right sometimes, though.) Velejo and ModelMaster acrylics are my favorite paints.